Friday, June 30, 2006
Great TEAM BUILDING coming right next!!!!
Hello there all the sunny faces reading this's so nice to think that in a couple of days all the stress and the exams will be over...and we'll have a whole summer only to school and no studying!!! can't wait for it !
this end (of a very boring period) stands as a beginning for a really challeging and fun period for 5 special AIESEC Clujeni :)) these 5 are the LPM OC !!!! huray for them: Ilinca, Dora, Bea, Vladutz and Blad. but as tradition calls, before we start working hard to make the greatest LPM ever we must build our team, we must make an action plan and establish everyone's tasks.
under the alrealdy universally accepted name Team-Building we will have a very special half a day (or more) on this sunday that we will spend together at the swimming pool. it will be so fun, trust me!!! and you'll find more about it in my next post...monday, the lateest. pictures included!!
kiss on behalf of the LPM OC,
Ilinca, living life to the fullest as a very happy OCP
posted by Ilinca @ 1:40 AM   0 comments
Thursday, June 29, 2006
It's time to have some fun!!
posted by Ciuci aka Rachel @ 2:29 AM   2 comments
Sunday, June 25, 2006
To our lovely colegues that are living right now an international experience

There are moments in life when you feel that it is time for a new challenge, it is time to test your limits, it is time to let you surprised by unforgettable experiences......some of us decided to take a new challenge by living in another country, a country that has little things in common with the place they are coming from, a country where the internet, phone or other means of communication suddenly became as important as food, a country where you have some many cultural shock, a country you say you hate it from the very beginning you start living there........

People say that the beauty of the experiences you have depends on the attitude you have when the first difficulties arise....people say that our life is a sum of the experiences we had.....people say that only the persons that are not passive and create their own experience will have the most fulfilling life.....

Even though it is hard, even though we want to give up in any moment, living in another country can broaden so much our horizons, can make us more tolerant, can make us appreciate what we have, can make us want more from our lives.....

The only thing I will like to do if I have the opportunity to live in another country, would be to enjoy each moment, to enjoy the challenges that are next to me each moment, to enjoy and take advantage of the opportunity I was given.....because for sure when I will come back home I will see a difference in my way of thinking , in my way of behaving.....for sure I will grow up and I will be more prepared to confront life in a direct match, and I will win....cause I gained experiences!!!

This post is dedicated especially to the AIESEC Cluj-Napoca members who right now are in the USA testing a new life style......all my admiration for the courage you have!!!

kisses and good luck in your adventure!!!

Ciuci, on behalf of the AIESEC Cluj-Napoca members

posted by Ciuci aka Rachel @ 12:33 PM   0 comments
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Just me...
The OC logistics at LPM... on behalf of our team, just want to share with you some location possibilities for LPM... we asked and phoned, nothing is sure... but we want opinions... so take a look on the following links:

Vila Vank
Vila Rustica
Cazare Transilvania

That's all for now!... We asked in other places too, but there was already booked... what is sure is that we want a super hyper place to explore our minds to the foolest annd have a great time!

Kiss you all!
posted by Dora @ 2:29 PM   1 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
New kids on the Blog:)
Well, beginning with the beginning, this is the first post on behalf of the OC LPM team on this blog... and because just a few moments ago we ended with the blog created for this conferece because we decided to write everything here, so that it will last as long as Cluj lives, I thought to update you all by copying here what people said on the lpm blog... so now is the time to continue, expecting new and new messages...

So, the first post there was posted by me, aka Dora:

This is a blog created especially for the planning conference we are heading for... a conference full of surpises... a conference where a lot of decision will be taken in order to remain the great LC we are right now, and to grow to reach that point we want to reach... this is a promise from the OC team, and I hope chair, alumni, facis, the board, team leaders and all the people from the LC will have a word for the future! Let's not forget to mention our dear alumni of Cluj Napoca and not only who will join us at the conference, which I kindly invite to write something on this blog...
A lot of invitation will be sent, and if you didn't received one and want to be part of this, just write me a mail to and you will have the chance to express yourself freely...
You will see here presentation of the OC team, of the location as soon as we will find it, the theme of the conference... and a lot more, hopefully!
You are also welcomed here with suggestions, expectations, recommandations... whatever you fell like saying!
Well, if I remember anything I forgot to mention, I will write!
Till then, let's whis to this blog a hell of activity, not only BEFORE the conference, but also after!


On behalf of the OC team,
Dora, OC logistics

Then, Ilinca continued:

There's such a sense of possibility in the air is always like this when one is in the beginning. there are so many options, so many decisions to be made, so many roads to be taken yet only one chace to do it. the LPM 2006 OC promises to do it in the best way WE can. to us the road to LPM is all about the journey...not the destination. it's all about the team, the connections, the jokes, the laughts, the work, the fear, the wonders and in the end...the satisfaction...
If I get back to the beginning of all this I recall the moment I decided to apply for the OCP position. I was not convinced to do it. still I thought I always think to much and I just did it. Man, it's so funny how the things that count mostly in your life are the ones that you were not so sure about in the beginning. I am very happy today that I can write on this blog as the LPM OCP. i am so grateful to all the people that were and still are near me and always gave their helping hand...I am happy to say that I have a great OC team, that they are my great best friends and that we will build something together.
we have so many hopes and dreams..and soul put in this conference, we have such a rich imagination and we WILL make things happen ...just watch us work!!!

PS: We are: Ilinca OCP
Dora OC Logistics
Bea OC Finance
Vladutz OC Fundraising
Bladutz OC Fundraising
and we will be working close to our lovely coach Andreea!!!
The OC sends uncountable kisses to all :P.....enjoying life to the fullest!!!

Tzutzu mic:

hey hey hey!
Great ideea guys! Congrats for making this blog for the most important/impressive/decisive/interesting conference named LPM (Lucian, Paul, Mihai) :P
So i am waiting for news regarding how are the preparations going, and what will we have to bring to this conference....i know i won't forget my pyjama suit (prietenii stiu dece) :))
Good luck!

Ale, the first VP to post there:

I was surprised to see that LPM now has a blog. " Well, this is something new!", I thought. This blog is going to have a really nice role, due to the fact of what LPM means for some of us that already lived at least one, and especially, for what the LPM this year will mean for all of us. I am sure that LPM 2006 will be a memorable moment in our lifes, that will make this blog to be "incomplete" , but full of interaction. So, let's get ready for a life time expeience: LPM 2006!

And Duba:

there are times in life when you really need to relax ... a time when you don't want to think about school ... a time of joy with friends and foes ... a time when you forget about yourself and all the things around you ... this is going to be a time we all the guys from @ CJ are going to have the best meeting ... and will going to try to find the real thruth behind the walls of society ... and will going to try to be the difference that whould bring a change ... so let's see us each other at the conference that will make our future ... see you at LPM



Kiss you all, and remember to come back, because here you will find a llot of surprisez!

Dora, OC logistics LPM 2006
posted by Dora @ 8:33 AM   5 comments
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
TRIX... still a living memory
-pages of a history-

TRIX was the castle that formed a new generation and culture in AIESEC Cluj Napoca...
...the time to put all your energy in winning the fight between the dacians and the romans, to grow along with your team, to trust, to play hard... to talk with people about their dreams and about their way in life, to talk about your dreams and hopes... to Share your Development...
...the place to think, to search, to look for answers... we had the chance to play the leaders, to be in the middle of action, to win, to follow, to do great... to see there people who made it, people who Inspire you to Action, leading you to constantly do better...
...the moment when we said goodbye to the people that welcomed us, the newies, in AIESEC last year in october; we cried of sadness and joy, putting our hopes in the new board we love and trust... for me, the moment when, again, I realised that AIESEC means people without borders, means great friends I already won... means Getting Connected...
...the chance to build a strategy, to put yourself in the other's place and understand his point of view... to put your mind in understanding what our culture is about and how to make it even better... the chance to Perform Intelligent....
...the reason amongst other reasons to grow, to question and analyze every step you're taking, to take THE opportunities you need to grow... the time for reflexion about yourself, to question about your role in this place, time and among this king of people... the reason to Explore your Mind in each and every second...
A new page in our history was written, a new generation was consolidated...
I was given the chance to be part of this page, I had the time to live what this means, I finally understood what SIGPE DACIM is all about... and I'm happy and dam proud to be part of it!
See you later, bunch of crazy dear people!
Cluj Napoca, poca, poca... number 1 in Europa!!!

posted by Dora @ 3:21 PM   2 comments
Monday, June 12, 2006

Aceasta este o scrisoare nostalgica, adresata celor care fac parte din generatia NOASTRA, GENERATIA X. Nascuti la inceputul anilor 80, vedem acum in anul 2006 cum casa parintilor nostri este de 50 de ori mai scumpa decat atunci cand au cumparat`o ei, si realizam ca noi o sa platim pentru casele noastre in jur de 50 de ani.
NOI ... nu avem amintiri despre primii pasi pe luna, nici despre razboaie sangeroase, dar ne pricepem la istorie si la politica mai mult decat cred batranii, care bombane in spatele nostru ca "noi nu stim nimic".
NOI ... suntem ultima generatie care a jucat `scunsea, Castel,Ratele si Vanatorii, Tara tara vrem ostasi, Prinsea, Sticluta cu otrava, Pac Pac, Hotii si vardistii, ultimii are au strigat "Un doi trei la perete stai", ultimii care au folosit telefoanele cu fise, dar primii care ne-am jucat pe jocurile video (remember Mario?) si primii care am vazut desene animate color.
NOI ... am purtat jeansi elastici, pantaloni evazati, geci de blugi de la turci, iar cine avea firme gen Lee sau Diesel era deja lider de gasca. Baietii si-au scris numarul fotbalistului preferat cu pasta de dinti pe tricouri, iar fetele si-au cusut pe blugi stelute si inimioare.NOI ... nu am dat Capacitate, nu am dat grile la admitere si am fost ultimii Soimi ai Patriei, cu costumele alea groaznic de nepotrivite cromatic.Am invatat poezii in romaneste la gradinita, nu in engleza, si am cantat MULTI ANI TRAIASCA nu HAPPY BIRTHDAY la aniversari. Spuneam misto si fain in loc de cool.
NOI ... am sorbit din ochi Beverly Hills, Melrose Place, Twin Peaks, Dallas.. si cine zice ca nu s`a uitat ori minte ori nu avea inca televizor.Ne uitam la desenele animate de la italieni si ne era ciuda ca nu avem si noi subtitrare sa intelegem de ce naiba s`a certat Mila cu Shiro.Reclamele de pe posturile straine ne innebuneau, si abia asteptam sa vina si la noi inghetata Magnum, sau pustile alea absolut superbe de apa. Intre timp, ne consolam cu Tango cu vanilie si ciocolata si clasicele bidoane umplute cu apa de la robinet, care turnate in cap ne provocau pneumonii. Si uite un motiv bun sa nu mergem la scoala..
NOI ... am ascultat si Metallica, si Ace of Base, si DJ Bobo, si Michael Jackson, si Backstreet Boys, si Take That, si inca nu auzisem de manele, singurele melodii de joc fiind horele la chefuri, la care nimeni nu stia pasii, dar toti dansam.Dar spre deosebire de copiii din ziua de azi, am auzit atat de Abba, si de Queen, cat si de noile nume gen 50 Cent si Britney Spears. Pe ei daca ii intrebi, "muzica a inceput cu Backstreet Boys, care nici nu mai sunt cool acum, orikum!"
NOI ... am citit Licurici, Pif si Hercule (care aveau cadou niste jucarii bestiale) si am baut Cico si sucuri de la tec fara sa ne fie teama ca au prea multe e`uri, iar la scoala beam toata clasa dintr`o sticla de suc fara teama de virusi.
NOI ... am injurat arbitrul care ne`a furat la meciul cu Danemarca, si poate ca tot noi i`am trimis 10000 de mailuri de "dulce".Noi nu ne dadeam bip`uri, ne fluieram sa iesim afara, noi nu aveam dolby surround, taceam toti ca sa auzim actiunea filmului, nu aveam Nintendo sau Playstation ci jocuri tetris si jocuri de televizor, de care ne plictiseam la o luna dupa ce le cumparam si le uitam pe dulap, pline de praf.
NOI ... abia asteptam la chefuri sa jucam Fantanita, sau Flori, fete sau baieti, sau Sticla, sau Adevar sau Provocare, sau orice ne dadea un pretext sa pupam !pe gura! pe cine "iubeam".
NOI ... suntem cei care inca au mai "cerut (sau li s`a cerut)prietenia", care inca roseam la cuvantul "SEX", care dadeam cu banul care sa intre in farmacie sa cumpere prezervative, pe care apoi sa le umplem cu apa si sa le aruncam in cap la colegi, care am completat mii de oracole, sperand ca iubitul sau iubita va citi acolo unde scrie "De cine iti place?" ca ne place de el/ea.
Este uimitor ca inca mai suntem in viata, pentru ca NOI ... am mers cu bicicleta fara casca, genunchiere si cotiere, nu am avut scaune speciale in masini, nu am aruncat la gunoi bomboanele care ne cadeau din greseala pe jos, nu am avut pastile cu capac special sa nu fie desfacut de copii, nu ne`am spalat pe maini dupa ce ne`am jucat cu toti cainii si toate pisicile din cartier, nu am baut doar apa imbuteliata, ne-am tavalit si balacit prin toate baltile si nu am tinut cont de cate lipide si glucide mancam.
NOI ... am auzit cum s`a tras la Revolutie, noi am fost martorii a trei schimbari de bancnote si monede, noi am ras la bancuri cu Bula, noi am fost primii care au auzit`o pe Andreea Esca, noi suntem cei care mai tinem minte emisiunea "Feriti`va de magarus".
Suntem o generatie de invingatori, de visatori, de first-timers!
posted by A.P. @ 9:28 AM   0 comments
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Get connected, drink URSUS
No, servus foaie verde!
Name: Gioni, aka Ioana Dolcos
Recruited: oct 2002, Cluj
Recruiter: Adi Chifor and Pishko
Interview score: 25 points out of 40. Very close to not making it.
Reason for joining AIESEC: I heard that they do international exchanges with Poland, and I though I might get some as well:D
The newie that annoyed me the most: a guy named Stefan (he wanted to be in every damn OC!!!):P (love ya:D, man)

I have been reading some of the postings on this blog, and I must say that for me is a great chance to be in touch with the people that recruited me in AIESEC, that I recruited, and people that brought so much in what I am right now.
It gives me the chance to get connected (by the way of local brands:D:D) to all of you.
It has been more than one year in which I have been away from the place that formed me for 4 years, Cluj-Napoca and AIESEC in Cluj...

The feeling is strange. People here say that people from Ardeal are so much appreciated, but in the same time that we think too slow and too much in processes, that we sometimes miss the final objective:D:D...what do they know?
Therefore, being away working with so many people from AIESEC from all over the world, I dare to say again, that this blog is a space for me in which I truly feel the kind of people I so much love, and feel confortable with.
I am glad I got to know AIESEC Cluj-Napoca again, to re-discover it and to remember the true essence which was the reason I spent almost 3 years there: mirosul foii verzi:):):)
heheeee...I should get back to work
see ya
posted by Ioana Dolcoş @ 6:50 AM   1 comments
Friday, June 09, 2006
Pages made of gold...
It's 4:30 in the morning and i just got home from the AIESEC office, where i had a discussion with a special person for me, about AIESEC...about ideeas, visions, our own problems, reasons why we hate life, reasons why we love life, future plans, and so on...
At one point we dicussed about how we got in AIESEC, and about how that little gesture of ours to just fill in that application form and show up at the interviews without knowing what to expect from this organization has influenced our lives from that moment on...I tried to picture myself where i would have been now if I hadn't made that little gesture...probably wondering around, with no specific purpose and with no persons to call "friends".
But we are in AIESEC, we've been here for some time now...and the results are unbelievable :)
I also remembered my application form and that at the question Why do you want to join AIESEC, my answer finished with "I want to be part of this family" , because that was my impresion after the big picture, that AIESEC is a big family.Boy was I right... :)
I was telling this person that in AIESEC I can find all the people that I usually search for in a randomly formed group at the university or around the block.It is not easy to meet such wonderful persons...Since joining AIESEC i have met amazing people that are an example for me, and that help me be better and better each day...Sometimes i just feel grateful for knowing them and being in the same room :)
TRIX was a special moment...for everyone.
I, for one, have thought about my values for the first time, and I am proud to say that I have found them and that they are going to guide me from now on.
The entire LC has deepened our values, the SIGPE DACIM , and i think that each one of us is now ready to really start believing in them and have them in our hearts and minds in everything we do.
The old EB said : "Guys, we are done for now...take care...we trust in you! We're off..." , the new EB said : "Don't worry, we can handle it...we're the best will be proud...(just leave already)" :)

It's time to start a new page...a new chapter in our history book has begun.

Damn's 5:15 :) ooh i can see daylight outside :)
I can also see daylight for LC Cluj Napoca.

Let's make things happen!

Just a proud member of LC Cluj Napoca, maybe too tired and too sentimental :) shouting out from all his heart :

posted by Lucian (Tzutzu Mic) @ 6:26 PM   2 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
the return to manhood
at my last conference in AIESEC, a great pop band was launched.
THE MACHOS released their first video, from the album, "return to manhood".

watch it and dream about the machos. ;o)

posted by Ş @ 4:29 AM   0 comments
about me
Udah Lewat
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