Monday, May 15, 2006
A very special moment for LC Cluj-Napoca
Yesterday the first conference for the new EBs just finished….for all of us it was an amazing experience, with positive and negative sides, but in the end a really learning experience...

It is more than amazing to set for your LC the objectives for 2010, to actually see how it will look like in 2010, and how an you contribute to this picture this year

Moreover it was amazing to see that the LC you come from is a role model for other LCs....

Thinking at the people that were back home I could not stop asking myself why other LCs think we are one of the best.....there are more possible answers, we work hard, we understand the organization or simply we like what we do....but the most suitable answer I could find was Unity. Action. Enjoy. Relevance

As you know at NC is also the Awards Gala, a special night for all the LCs......a special night was also for LC Cluj -Napoca......all the hard work, all the passion we invested last year was recognized at national level.....the first award received was Overall Strategic Leadership, and it was given to the LC that started implementing all the elements of the Strategic Triangle....there are no many words that can express what we felt in that moment, the moment when we were recognized as an LC that creates a wonderful @experience for its members, an LC that invests in a culture of excellence and an LC that wants to transmit to its stakeholders exactly that AIESEC is :)......

The second award receives was, Most Progressive LC in Alumni Strategy Implementation, indeed last year our focus on alumni increased a lot, and this year we will continue this collaboration between members and alumni, because there are so many things that we could learn from their experiences.

The third award, Best LC in Corporate Responsibility and the forth award, Sustainability Award recognized the effort that we made last year on having an impact among our society in what concerns Corporate Responsibility and Entrepreneurship....

Nevertheless at NC was the moment of take over for the MCs…. I have to say that it was a mixture of feelings, happiness that Miha is there, sadness that Miha left Cluj, happiness and pride that Gioni is the new MCP of AIESEC Romania, disappointed that Dani will leave AIESEC….with all this I could not notice that AIESEC Cluj- Napoca gave AIESEC Romania three special persons, persons that more than anything else appreciate people, persons that put energy and passion in what they do, persons that left a fingerprint in AIESEC Romania history.

This was our story from NC, an experience full of emotions, happiness, passion, ownership and something frustrations…..but in the end a life time experience

A new history file will be soon written......TRIX 2006....let's all make TRIX 2006 be Unity. Action. Enjoy. Relevance. Growth
posted by Ciuci aka Rachel @ 8:33 AM   0 comments
Sunday, May 14, 2006
AIESEC Cluj-Napoca's International Conference in Chicago, 2006
guys, check this up!

the spirit is never asleep.
thank you carbu,
posted by Ş @ 1:08 PM   1 comments
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Udah Lewat
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